Who is Calendar Coffee?

With a focus on quality and sustainability, Calendar Coffee is a seasonal coffee roastery based on the west coast of Ireland.

What does sustainability mean to you? 

Sustainability is ensuring a balance between social development, environmental protection and economic growth without negatively affecting future generations. 

Why did you want to measure their emissions?

To gain a better understanding of the impact of our operations. We’ve always tried to make environmentally conscious decisions, but we never fully understood our carbon footprint and how our choices were affecting the planet. To take full responsibility for our actions, we needed to start measuring our own contributions to climate change.

What have you completed with Zevero and where are you on the journey?

We reported 12 months of emission for the year 2021 & are in the process of reporting our emissions for 2022

What are you planning to do to reduce emissions?

We are planning on sourcing more organic coffee to reduce the emissions from our purchased goods which is over 70% of our emissions

What are your goals for the next 5 years?

Over the next 5 years, electricity for our roastery will be provided by 100% renewable sources and we will use a fully electric vehicle for our local deliveries

How has Zevero helped you with sustainability?

They helped guide us through an extensive analysis to calculate our carbon footprint, while making us aware of the long list of emissions we are accountable for.

What was the most interesting thing they learnt during the process?

Every choice we make results in emissions being released somewhere along the supply chain. Even though these emissions occur outside of our direct actions, we must take accountability for them since they’re based on the choices we made.

Why Zevero?

Zevero is a young and innovative company that we believe has a very bright future ahead of them.

Why would you recommend Zevero?

Zevero helped guide us through the extensive analysis and were able to explain the intricacies of such a complex topic in understandable terms. We have found them very informative and quick to help with any problems.

“Working with Zevero has allowed us to create an industry first report on our impact, implement strategies to reduce our impact, report our emissions per product to our customers and help us win new clients.”

Innes Christison
Head of Scope 3, Delphis Eco

“Working with Zevero has allowed us to create an industry first report on our impact, implement strategies to reduce our impact, report our emissions per product to our customers and help us win new clients.”

Innes Christison
Head of Scope 3, Delphis Eco

See how Zevero can streamline your carbon reporting

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